Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Paying more attention to worldly things (material things) we become misguided we spend more time adoring desires of the flesh instead of nurturing ourselves and our spiritual growth.

Our lives becoming corrupted and filled with negative thoughts and sorrow, giving way to sleepless nights, we wonder why we feel like this and what are we doing wrong.

We say that we are children of God, but do we really live according God’s word?. I’ll answer that, not just for you, but for me as well. The answer is No and No. We spend more time reading novels and other literature that are fascinating to the flesh and our emotions and instead of speaking about what the Holy Bible says, we gossip.

What is fascinating is how stubborn we really are. We know we have a purpose in life and yet we are not fulfilling it, the reason being that we give the flesh more priority than we do to our spirit.

If you’re not clear about the above paragraph, I’ll simplify it. We all have a part to play in this world. You may not be a Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or Apostle, but you still have a purpose, to be fruitful and Spiritual to bring up or sons and daughters in the way of the Lord. As for the flesh, I like to think that we are all Spiritual Beings mastering the human experience.

Why do I say that we are Spiritual Beings? It’s simple, it means to have an intimate relationship with God, when I say ‘intimate’ I mean personal, spend some time meditating on his word, understanding it and living it, be patient, be wise and be humble.

If we didn’t have such a big role in life, we would have had a carefree life. We all are faced with problems, problems in our marriage, job or in whatever we do, but do not get discouraged, it is not to break you down, it’s to build you up, it’s a lesson to be learnt. Think about it.

Please note, this is not to criticize anyone in any way, this is just something to think about.